Monday, September 15, 2008


I am finally here in the good ole USA:) What a wonderful experience!!! Sorry I stopped posting the past couple of days, we were busy, but with nothing too exciting. We did get to visit the research site where they are building the big cages. And by big, I mean about house size. It's funny to see a little mesh house in the jungle made for mosquitoes. I am posting pictures, so you'll be able to see. So, after we finished collecting in the field, the rest of the week was spent picking pupae and sorting the adults, and feeding them and gathering their eggs to bring back home. We had to pick pupae twice a day...and I mostly did this all by myself, 17 pans twice a day!! Gah, talk about a crick in my neck, and headaches from straining my eyes looking for the little buggers.
On Saturday we had a party for Laura, her 33rd birthday!! It was soooo much fun. Tons of delicious food with chorizo and tortillas and salsa....everything for a true Mexican fiesta! I showed off my salsa dancing skills with some of the technicians, unfortunately none of them were that good, but it was fun none the less and Dr. Black says I've made quite an impression on Tapachula:) I'm so looking forward to Laura coming to visit Colorado. It will be a nice break for her, she's only been there for about 4 months and already is having a hard time coping with the climate and the mentality of most devout Mexicans...
Ok, pictures and reflections soon!


Unknown said...

Welcome home! So glad you had a grand time. Looking forward to having you and the team down for The Squawker. Dad.

mcassidy25 said...

Thanks Dad:) I'll give you guys a call soon...sorry I haven't yet, I've just been so swamped getting caught up on things.