Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Girls Night Out!!

I think we all deserve this, a night at the Trailhead for two-for-one burgers and $2 pints. I'm pretty much all caught up, give or take a chapter of statistics...and I haven't gone out since...since, with the old people in Mexico:) All of us cycling team girls have actually never gone out together! We spend every weekend, and some weekdays together, and we still have never spent any down time together. Should be interesting...I hope we have more to talk about than biking stuff, perhaps no, that's pretty much all we do:)
Hopefully I'll have some nice biking pictures to put up here soon...considering I haven't really done any riding or racing lately. I'm thinking if not tomorrow, then at least Thursday I'll get back on the bandwagon. I'm also planning on doing a long ride this weekend, and racing the short track on Sunday.
I actually have some stuff to do for my project now! I'm working on this spreadsheet in Excel...and it's going really slowly because I'm bad at Excel, but at least I'm doing something. I'll also hopefully be starting on isolating some DNA from the mosquitoes we brought back from Tapachula. I hope I can get this project done in time for Laura to use the strain. I'm a little worried about it already because there is so much background work to do right off the bat, then the crosses will take about 9 months. She wants me to be ready about a year from now I think...so, I've got to get crackin!!! Hopefully the Christmas Break trip we have planned won't mess things up too bad. I'll just have to plan accordingly.
Well, I should go, get off this darn computer:)

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