Thursday, September 18, 2008

Reality Bites

School is overwhelming at the in, I'm drowning in work and feeling completely lost in statistics. Not to mention that I've been sick this week as well. I actually feel a lot better today due to Caleys administrations, chicken soup and about 5 gallons of orange juice. Anyway, I'm failing statistics, but trying to take the steps to get up to speed. Basically I'll be soooo soooo happy with a C in that class. Is one allowed to get C's in graduate school? I'm not sure, better check on that... I was even thinking about dropping the class, yes, it's that bad.
Anyway, I have to go study for my Parasitology exam tomorrow morning at 7:30am...BLEAH! It covers so much material, I wish we knew what she was going to focus on, the first exam is always the toughest. It's different this year because I know the professors and feel like I have some sort of expectation to do well. I'm also pretty positive I won't do that well on the exam because of my trip. Oh well, what can I do, try to stay on top of if for exam two material.
I'll keep you all updated on the struggles...sounds like Caitlin is having a rough week of it as well. Although, hers is due to severe exercise induced I wish I was a varsity athlete and that could be my focus in life!


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