Monday, September 22, 2008

Cars are Expensive!!!

The vanny-van is going in to the shop today...not just any old shop, but the dealership...Dealerships are good I think, especially for older models, but still, I hear they charge quite a bit more than just a regular mechanic. Anyway, this is going to be a big one, and I am eternally grateful that Mom and Dad are still paying for maintenance because otherwise, I wouldn't. When I get a car of my own, I'm going to make sure I have the income to support it, otherwise, it's biking for me! Even if I do own my own car in the future, I'm going to try as much as possible not to drive it. That definitely means living in a place where commuting by bike is possible, but if I end up working at a University or something, that would probably be pretty easy. Maybe by the time I get a car they will all run on carbon fusion or something like that and will be way more environmentally friendly.
Anyway, I need to go do more homework, just thought I'd rant a little about expensive cars...

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