Saturday, October 11, 2008

I Lost a Race

It actually wasn't my fault....they started the race 12 minutes early! So, I missed the start, I was early by 7 minutes...but they'd already been going for 5:( Anne kindly gave me the "last place" finish, which I guess gets points, but still! I rode the rest of the race in the hellacious(sp?) wind, and only shed a few tears. Whatever, it's not like this season has been anything but a giant slack off for me. Figures that the last race would be such a let down. Currently, I'm sitting in a coffee shop somewhere in Grand Junction, obviously procrastinating on studying, but at least making an effort to study. I have two giant exams next week in one class...yes, two exams in one class...RIDICULOUS!!! Basically, I have an 80% going in to these two exams, if I can pull off an 80% on both of them, I'll be in good shape for the second half of the semester, but if not...I'm screwed, which is a sad sad state of affairs, and I won't even go in to how statistics is going... I think from now on, I'm forcing Caley to go to the library with me every night, no matter how much he doesn't want to, it'll be good for both of us!:)
I'm looking forward to winter as a chance for me to get back in shape. I'll be doing all the New Belgium cyclocross races, and I really really really want to make an effort to do some long rides on M,W, F's because my schedule really does allow for it...I just have to motivate.
Anyway, I should go, just thought I'd share the incredibly anti-climactic end to my mtn bike season.

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