Thursday, January 28, 2010


I am so productive these days!

Yesterday I did laundry, dishes, went to campus to meet with an adviser, picked up a prescription, mailed back a phone, went shopping (twice!), and went for a bike ride with the girls. Whew!

Today I put away all the laundry, did more dishes, and filled out most of the application for the teacher licensing program at CSU! I was going to go buy thank you cards...but took a nap instead...Speaking of thank you cards, they WILL be done before the end of January!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next on the list is work, 3:30 till 10pm and I have to close by myself, could be a little scary, or just mean that I'll be there until like 10:30 to get everything done. I wonder when I'll get paid for the first time. After that I'll know it's every two weeks, but there's always a lag when you start a new job.

In other news, Sebastian is now the proud owner of a giant play palace. We inherited the homemade colossal cat contraption from Alex and Julia. It takes up a substantial amount of space in our living/dining area, but he really loves we'll probably keep it:)
Teacher licensing is pretty simple if you're a post bachelor candidate. The only class I have to take other than the education courses, is GEOL 120 which is quite humorous because its the exact same class Caley took last semester! Too bad I didn't sign up for it with him just for fun! :) Apparently it's known as Rocks for Jocks for good reason....I am allowed to take it here or at Front Range, so depending on how the cost of tuition and other things add up I might do that instead of at CSU. I'm hoping I can apply for some scholarships and grants and things to get most of my costs covered. I'd really like to avoid getting loans, but that might not be possible, especially if I won't be able to work while I'm in school....BUT I'm getting ahead of myself. Kind of.

I think I'll get the application turned in sometime next week, and then work on some financial aid stuff in the coming months, and hopefully by April I'll be able to make a decision. If I decide to wait, and not go back until next Fall, it would take me two years to complete the program, but if I go back this summer, I will be done only one semester after Caley. Sooo many things to think about!

Anyway, one more pic of the kitty for your enjoyment :)

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