Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lackadaisical Saturday

The boys finally all headed out on their morning bike ride (silly boys, I'm waiting until it warms up to at least 60 or 65...) and I have the house to myself! Lovely! I thoroughly enjoy my Saturday morning rituals: coffee, breakfast, Weekend Edition, laundry and just relaxing. Tucson has been amazingly wonderful! The temps have been hovering in the low 70's, the wind hasn't been too awful, and the new house is awesome!!!! Pool included! Too bad the water is freezing and I didn't bring my swimsuit :) I've been keeping a somewhat low riding profile for the past four days. I really really really didn't want a repeat of last year in Santa Barbara, and so far I haven't had any knee pain! Whoo hoo! Today I think I will do a bit of a repeat of yesterday, we rode this awesome route on the Old Spanish Trail. Swoopy road, some pretty smooth spots (mixed in with horrible falling apart spots...) and a tailwind all the way home. I'm actually looking forward to the ride alone with my ipod, no worries about keeping up and worrying about everyone else getting hit by a car.
Here is a pic taken on the first day, we rode up to the base of Mt. Lemmon just to loosen up a bit, it was glorious!

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