Monday, June 9, 2008

Weekend in Fort Collins

Monday morning does that happen so fast??!

This weekend was lovely and relaxing, spent in good ole FoCo. Saturday I had a great bike ride up the Poudre, Stove Prairie, Masonville, and back. Good thing I had enough water and didn't have to stop at the Masonville store, those people are nuts! They hate bikers and refuse to serve them! They would do so much business, but no...
Anyway, I got a little burned, even though I did put on sunscreen, I promise! Then Sunday was spent literally lazing around all day. I made delicious pancakes and omelets for breakfast, and the next activity was the evening track races at the Oval. After the races we all headed over to Brians for a bbq. Caley and I got a screamin deal on steak at the store, so we had yummy kabobs:) Of course we got home later than I would have liked, but it was worth it. I just made lots of coffee this morning.
Well, gotta go pick up the contacts so Mom doesn't ask me twenty billion times the next time we talk:)

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