Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Struggling with the job

I now have more sympathy for all those business people stuck in cubicles staring at their computers all day long. Currently, the project I'm involved with at the lab has moved into the data analysis part. Basically that means I'm taking all the DNA sequences we've gathered (which number in the thousands...probably...) and cleaning them up and getting them ready to run in a couple of programs that will do all this fancy statistical analysis of the minute differences between all of them. Soooo, this means I've been spending 8+ hrs a day sitting in front of the computer.
My back hurts, my neck hurts, my butt hurts, my fingers hurt, my wrists hurt, my eyes hurt...and I have had way too much coffee in order to stay awake. I think it would be a bad idea to fall asleep at work, at least I've heard that's generally not a good idea.
However, life could be worse. As mentioned in conversation earlier today, we could be living in Myanmar, and that would be The Suck.
Good thing I've decided to go home right now and eat delicious ribs that have been cooking all day in the crock pot (best invention ever!) and then I will go to the weekly produce sale at Sunflower Market and be happy:)

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