Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Post Graduation

I graduated without honors or distinctions, but a respectable 3.495 GPA:) My mom and dad, both grandmas, aunt, uncle, cousin, and trusty bf were all there to watch the ceremony which actually wasn't too bad. Talk about a lot of family in town! My parents came up to Fort Collins three weekends in a row, which has to be a record for any one's family:) We only had one close call as far as fighting goes, so I would call it a great success on the whole. I can't understand those kids who live with their parents until they're thirty. Mine and I have a much better relationship when I'm in my own space.
Anyway, since gradumacating I have been working full time (or getting really close to full time hours...) and riding/racing the bikes! Until this week Tuesday nights were short track mtn bike races at New Belgium. A few times I won enough money to buy dinner at La Luz and The Rio (plus margs at the Rio which are delicious!). Sunday nights since Nationals have been "track racing" nights at the CSU oval. I raced for the first time last weekend, and got totally stomped due to racing that morning in the Denver City Park Circuit. Previous weeks I've been a spectator, makes me feel a little lazy, but I must say, sitting in the grass eating a hot dog watching bike racing is pretty much the best thing ever!:)
What else...I raced in Angel Fire NM. It was hard and fast, but I felt way better than at the previous mtn states cup in Nathrop where I bonked hard core:(
That's pretty much all I've been up to. Work is kind of lame because I sit in front of the computer all day...but at least the hours are going by relatively quickly.
I CAN'T WAIT TO GO TO TELLURIDE BLUEGRASS AND VERMONT!! Only fifteen more days!!!!!!!!!!!

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