Monday, February 15, 2010

Here's to Our Dreams

I have so many nebulous dreams for the future.

I feel like voicing them at this point might just jinx them :) I guess I have conflicting dreams as well, things that wouldn't all fit in if I tried to have them all. Being out of school has allowed me to live more in the present than I've been able to for awhile. I don't know exactly what each day will hold, and things are all so up in the air at the moment, that I can't really even TRY to plan too far ahead :)

For those of you that don't know already...I'm a huge planner. I have my parents to thank for that probably. They never do anything without planning it at least several weeks in advance, and they like to have several months to mull it over. You know it's true Parents...I guess they have rubbed off on me. In my spare time last semester I would write out a couple of calendar years by month, and plan out our (me and Caley's) life, just to see. I usually called it the 5 year plan, although sometimes, depending on the version, I extended it to 6 or 7 or even more. But now, with Caley having the possibility of getting a job here in CO after he graduates, and me possibly going back to school, but possibly not, or maybe moving out East, or maybe not, there's just no telling what the 5 year plan holds anymore, and I don't really feel the desire to try to figure it out. It's still fun to think about, and I still bug Caley asking, what if you get a job here? What about the fact that at the end of 5 years I will be 28?? Huh? What do you make of that?! ;) That fact still kind of blows me away....

The only thing I know for certain is that I really really really want to do our Europe bike tour. I am also the kind of person who always talks about doing awesome stuff like that, but then allows things like "sensible" and "financially sound" to ruin everything. I absolutely don't want this trip to be another example of how lame I am, and never happen. Which is why I will continue to ask for panniers for every holiday you get presents for, and I won't ask for anything else (just so you know Parents).

Anyway, I should go to bed. I'm here, sitting on the couch, drinking a 1554 (or two) after getting home from the closing shift at the deli. Caley is sick :( so I decided to unwind out in the living room so he could get some good sleep. It's my fault after all, someone was sick at the deli, and I brought it home last week :( As soon as we're both well, we get to meet our neighbors new kiddo!! I can't wait!

Have a wonderful night, and here's to not letting our dreams slip through our fingers!


Anna said...

Hey Megan, I really hope you guys do the European bike tour! I can sympathize b/c I felt the same way about the trip Chris and I took to Switzerland last year. I am SO GLAD that we finally bit the bullet and did it. The only problem is now I want to go back :)
On an unrelated note we should hang out sometime! I'd be up for a ride, run, coffee, beer, whatever :)

mcassidy25 said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I hope I can find a career that lets me take trips like that as often as I have the money :)
I would love to hang out! My schedule is kind of all over the place these days, but I have Friday off this week! I'll email you or call you if I still have your number!