Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Life Happenings

Since Caley just posted an epic blog, I figured I'd better follow suit!

The past few weeks have wrought some huge changes in my life. First and foremost, I have withdrawn from CSU and discontinued my research with Dr. Black. I guess you could say the decision was a long time in coming...but I'm sure seemed rather sudden to my poor unsuspecting parents. I could list all of my various reasons for deciding to become an adult a little earlier than planned, but most importantly, I want to be happy, and this program has been making me unhappy for quite awhile. I hope to find something that I am passionate about and can see myself in as a career. If it takes me awhile to figure out what that is, so be it, but I'm pretty excited right now about taking the time off!
Equally as important, Caley and I have each been doing a lot of soul searching, and so very thankfully have come to the very informed and mutual decision to continue our relationship, and we're doing well. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving break and Christmas (hopefully any future job can work around our trip....) when we are surrounded by loving family and good food.
Let's see...other news...I have been on my bike two times, and gone on a 20min run!! I feel great, very out of shape, but great! The forced time away from exercise was definitely not great for my mental health:) The family arrives on Thursday, and I can't wait to hang out, go shopping, and have a beer with my newly legal sister!!

More later, I am off to watch some cyclocross racing at the New Belgium Brewery!



Anna said...

Wow Megan, that is huge! Good for you for having the courage to search for what makes you happy. Good luck with the process, it might be frustrating at times but I bet it will be worth it!

mcassidy25 said...

Thanks Anna :)