Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Upon entering college five long years ago, I found myself in a strange situation, I could no longer enjoy and feel comfortable reading a book for fun. What a sad and terrible state it is. So, this Christmas break, I have decided, I shall read a book, and not just one book, like 10, or maybe even more, we shall see if I can find something to keep me interested. What you might ask is the catalyst of this crazy desire? An article in the CSMonitor that's what! :)


Click on that! I will use these books as a starting point, maybe jaunt on over to the NPR book list as well,


I used to love reading, anyone who knew me back in middle or high school knows I was an intense sort of bookworm. I hope to regain that lovely past time and pursue it the rest of my life. No more of this college-homework-guilt-syndrome!

Maybe I'll even read the Twilight books....wouldn't that be a hoot:)


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