Monday, November 2, 2009

And it Begins!

Yesterday Caley and I joined the team group ride up Rist Canyon for our "1st" training ride of the winter season! I stuck with the group until the canyon started...right around the dirt road they started to pull away. I then did my best to keep the other stragglers in sight, yet at the same time settling into my own pace that I knew I could hold up the canyon. About 5 minutes below the mailboxes my blasted knee started to hurt again! Same one that crapped out in Santa Barbara, same place, everything, BOO. So, I stopped at the mailboxes and turned around to head home. Caley caught up to me at the bottom of the canyon and we rode home together. A few weeks ago, Caley borrowed my seat post, and I put it back not paying that close of attention to where he had marked, we adjusted, and the knee immediately felt better! Hopefully this does the trick. In the meantime I am icing and doing all the right things because I would be soooo pissed if this kept me off the bike any longer than I already have been!!!!
In other news, I have applied to two positions at REI, and I would be soooo psyched if they contacted me for an interview and I got to work there!!! Check out there job website looks totally awesome!!! I still think that I'll take the community organizer job if they offer it to me, just so I have a job for the next month while I continue to look for one with better hours!



Connor O'Malley said...

You have a blog? How technological of you...

mcassidy25 said...

It's true! I'm so tech savvy :) Hope you are doing well!