Sunday, May 10, 2009

1554 (fav New Belgium beer) is the perfect way to end a very successful biking weekend. Not studying for finals like I should be of course, but a few delicious beers and some fajitas courtesy of our resident cook-and-bottle-washer, Phelan.
Road race was one of my best races ever! 23rd place, I finished in the top four of the group I rode with for most of the race, dropped most of the other girls on the climb up to the overlook of the reservoir, and dropped the ones that caught up again on the South dam.
Took 23rd in the crit on Saturday (go figure...I'm super consistent). But I got prime points in the 3rd or 4th prime, totally my accomplishment of the day!
TTT today was horrible, legs felt like crap, and Rachel dropped off so I had to stick on while Tirrel and Julia pulled me around for half of the course. Oh well, I'm ok with it, the RR and crit make up for poor performance today!

I hope to post some sort of pictures soon, we have misplaced the thingy that takes photos off of the camera and puts them on the computer. boooo.

Have a wonderful good night, and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE MOTHERS!!


1 comment:

Anna said...

You did awesome this weekend Megan! Congrats and I'd say you definitely earned a few 1554's :)