Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Strange Day

The sun is shining brightly, but the temps have only made it up to 32 as of 1:30pm. I feel that this discrepancy is causing me some psychological distress and weirdness. On one hand, I want to either curl up on the couch and go to sleep or hide myself away in the lab, and on the other hand I want to go ride my bike until I don't have enough light left to see. Unfortunately, none of these things has won out, I am not cuddled on the couch, not hidden away in the lab, and not on my bike. :( This morning was spent reviewing a stats lecture I missed; it's pretty cool because all the lectures are posted online in video format. We have "e-commuters" in the class, so the videos are for them, but we all benefit from it. In any case, I'm not feeling particularly jazzed about anything at the moment.
In other news...someone is coming to look at the apartment tomorrow evening. I'm glad to have some interest after only putting up the craigslist ad yesterday. In case you all weren't aware, Caley and I are moving to a bigger place! Two bedrooms, washer/dryer, dishwasher, patio, wood floors, still only a block from campus, and will only be roughly $150 more than what we pay now. Which means Caley will actually have to pay rent every month instead of me cutting him slack all the time...:) but I CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE APPLIANCES!!!! I was thinking yesterday how odd it is that I have come to care so much about these modern conveniences, but I do, I really must have the appliances. I guess if I was home all day and had time to do the dishes and the laundry day after day, then it wouldn't be so bad. But with both of us busy and tired from biking and racing, etc, this might just save our relationship in the long run :) I will miss our darling little apartment, but it's time to move on, we need more space.
Well, time for me to do something, one of my three choices, still not sure which.

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