Saturday, December 19, 2009

Early Friday morning as I sat at the transit center on campus, I was suddenly struck by college nostalgia. Campus definitely had the "after finals Winter break excitement" feeling in the air. I miss being a part of the student body getting ready for grand winter adventures, proud of what they accomplished during the semester. I definitely don't miss my grad work...but I think there is more schooling ahead for me, maybe for many years to come.

I have been thinking more and more about trying to teach, probably high school biology. Memories arise of the "classroom" I started for Caitlin in our extra bedroom in our elementary years. I did everything, geography, math, writing (of course in our special "mirror" writing style...backwards so you could read it in the mirror) and I loved "teaching" her, and grading the assignments I gave her. Hahaha silly sister to sit through all that :) I don't think it lasted very long, I had too much power in my teacher position and she certainly chaffed under it :) In any case, the more I think about it, the better it sounds. Summers off every summer?! Heck yes!

Another musing tumbling around in my head is buying into Grant Family Farms for next year. The season begins in June, and runs through Dec. If you buy the veggie share

* quick side note..the upstairs neighbors are having a giant screaming and yelling fight again...happens at least once a week, and is always the girl freaking out at the guy. Yikes. They have a dog that never gets walked, barks and whines all the time when they are gone, and apparently chews up her sweatshirts which causes her to yell and scream at him about how stupid and $#*%ing retarded he is... Caley and I tend to think they should just break up already and move out so we don't have to listen to their fights and their dog anymore.

Anywaaaay, if you buy the single veggie share where you can work on the farm for a discount, it averages out to $11 per week for seasonal, organic, local veggies! The only problem would be the upfront cost. It sounds like we could work out a payment plan so it's not the one lump sum of $305 all at once, and I'm thinking about asking our neighbors if they want to go in on the family share together for a bigger quantity and greater variety and it would only be $8 more if we split it in half between the two households. Plus, if we did this, I think the time working on the farm would be able to be split as's only 18 hours for the whole growing season, and I'm sure it would be so much fun, we'd end of doing more than our share anyway! So, hopefully I can get a job before Feb (the cutoff for the early season sign up ends 2/28...) and can buy in! I would also consider buying in for the eggs too. They are pretty expensive, but good eggs are sooooo worth it! You can check out the farm website HERE.

Well, I really should get outside for a bike ride or something, got to take advantage of the weekends!


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